You may find our used cloth bins at over 3000 locations in Germany.Used textile bins are regularly emptied and maintained by our drivers.
We are operating in the field of used clothes sector with more than 500 happy employees on global scale.
We are serving with our offices in South America, Kenya, Senegal, Madagascar, Ukraine, Spain, Albania, etc.
Founded at Mersin Free Zone in 2002, East-West Kurşun Textile’s main field of operation is used clothes market, and has been serving with more than 150 employees for nearly 20 years with the specialization gained in management and recovery. By enabling reuse of textile recycling products, our company conserves the nature while delivering those quality products at affordable prices to those who are in need.
Our company serves to customers from many countries around the world, taking steps towards being a company on global scale.
Being a leader in the sector requires engagement of all employees to the system. Therefore, together with our expert employees, we are supplying quality and reliable products that fit customer demand from all aspects with a priority on human and environmental health in line with the pricing and competition in ever growing and developing used clothes sector.
"Nature can survive without humans but humans cannot survive if the nature is destroyed"
Paul Ehrlich
More than 8 tons of water is consumed to manufacture a simple t-shirt and denim pants. Furthermore, incredible amounts of chemical materials and energy are spent to turn fabrics into clothes. Large amounts and varieties of chemical substances are discharged into environment from fabric dyes used in making colorful clothes from conventional cotton. Recovery of such excess amount of water and energy should start by including unused clothes into production cycle. Therefore, we adopt “Zero” waste policy in all stages of our operations to protect the nature and leave a clean, livable future for the next generations.
Become an organization recognized on international platform at global standards with a customer oriented approach, following innovations, setting a role model for other companies in the sector.
Become an international company that sets a role model with the values created by adopting an approach for caring our employees, consumers, people and environment, and contribute to the economy of our country.
"Not everything is trash. We segregate, recover, recycle and care"
East West Kurşun Tekstil
Guarantees the highest level of consistent quality for its customers through standardized criteria based certification.
You may find our used cloth bins at over 3000 locations in Germany.Used textile bins are regularly emptied and maintained by our drivers.
Our qualified segregation team classifies collected old textile and shoes according to 450 criteria to ensure highest rate of recycling.
After segregation process, textiles and shoes are packed appropriately and pressed into bails. They are then ready for their journey around globe, all disinfected and carefully packaged.